If you are struggling with your finances, you have probably thought more than once about seeking relief through bankruptcy. It is a difficult decision, especially if you know little about the process and are unsure of what to expect. In fact, the uncertainty of what...
Year: 2021
Chapter 7 may not discharge these 7 debts
For many in Georgia and across the country, the cloud over the past few years seems to be lifting, and they are reclaiming their lives. Jobs are plentiful, and life is slowly returning to normal. However, not everyone is rebounding financially. Whether global events...
Can my creditors take my paycheck?
In this uncertain economy, you may find it is more and more difficult to make your paycheck stretch, and before you know it, you are delinquent on your obligations. Falling behind on your debt payments can place you in a tough position. Your creditors might take...
Can bankruptcy discharge my medical bills?
In the past few years, many in Georgia and across the country have struggled with medical issues that have left them unable to work and scrambling to pay their bills. On top of that, they are helpless to stop the flood of medical debt resulting from emergency room...
Qualifying for the means test for Chapter 7
If you are dealing with suffocating debt, you may have tried many ways to get out from under the weight. Perhaps you are already working more than one job. You may have cut your expenses to the bare minimum and tried to negotiate with your creditors. If none of this...
The high risk of auto repossession
To wake up in the morning or step out of your workplace and discover your vehicle is gone can be quite a shock. Your first thought may be that someone stole your vehicle. However, when you remember that you have been struggling to keep up with your car payments, it...
Can I avoid foreclosure on my home through bankruptcy?
The last 12 months have been difficult for many Georgia families. You may have lost your job in the economic downturn and business shutdowns. You and your spouse may have been struggling with debt before the turmoil of 2020, but now you feel overwhelmed by it. In...
Do student loans qualify for bankruptcy discharge?
You did what you thought you should by going on in school to further your education. You hoped it would benefit you financially in the future, but you’ve found that your student loans have been nothing but a drain on your pocketbook. You, like many other Georgia...
How to know when it might be time to seek debt relief
Going through periods of financial unrest can be stressful and intimidating, and such issues continue to affect many families in Georgia and elsewhere. Issues with debt can also impact various areas of one’s life and could also run the risk of disrupting future...
The possible emotional impact of dealing with debt
Most individuals in Georgia and across the nation may be aware of the financial challenges that could accompany long-term monetary struggles. However, this might not be the only type of struggle debt can bring. Studies indicate that issues with debt could also take a...