Even if you owe a significant amount of debt, you may not consider bankruptcy as a reasonable option for you. Most people view bankruptcy as a negative process, and like others, you may assume that taking this step could have a negative impact on the rest of your...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Qualifying for the means test for Chapter 7
If you are dealing with suffocating debt, you may have tried many ways to get out from under the weight. Perhaps you are already working more than one job. You may have cut your expenses to the bare minimum and tried to negotiate with your creditors. If none of this...
Can I avoid foreclosure on my home through bankruptcy?
The last 12 months have been difficult for many Georgia families. You may have lost your job in the economic downturn and business shutdowns. You and your spouse may have been struggling with debt before the turmoil of 2020, but now you feel overwhelmed by it. In...
The means test in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
There are a variety of circumstances in life that could leave a person in Georgia or elsewhere facing extended periods of monetary unrest. After searching through the available options, some individuals may feel that bankruptcy could be just the tool to help them...